Our Story

We are a mother-daughter-daughter team wanting to shed those 'mommy pounds'. Follow the three of us as we start our journey, a 10 week mission, to get our 'pre-baby' bodies back!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

WAY LATE on posting

But hey, better late then never!!!!

So LAST Monday....we weighed in and....somehow we all lost EXACTLY the same!!! We all LOST 1.8 lbs!! Crazy huh!!? And this time we ALL placed in the competition and won some money!! WOO!!

This week we don't think we will be as lucky. Cara and Becky went out of town for a few days and although they ate well, they aren't seeing it on the scale.

Kiki did her best but cheated lots so isn't sure what the scale will say tomorrow.

And we all went out for Mexican food tonight for Mothers Day and we didn't chose wisely! oops!

So we weigh in tomorrow morning......lets hope we go down on the scale and not up!

1 comment:

  1. You guys have done so good, I don't think having 1 not so good week is going to hurt. You are all looking amazing. I am beginning to get jealous! (only kidding) Can't be jealous of wonderful friends, but, I can be extremely happy for you all.
