Our Story

We are a mother-daughter-daughter team wanting to shed those 'mommy pounds'. Follow the three of us as we start our journey, a 10 week mission, to get our 'pre-baby' bodies back!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Mid Point Photo

So here we are at our mid point. 
I (Cara) gained .2oz..  .2OZ!!! WHAT THE HECK!
Becky gained 2lbs...   2LBS!!!! WHAT THE HECK!
We were so good on our trip to San.Diego. Not sure why the gain. 
Kiki on the other hand lost .6oz. WHAT THE HECK!
She had a BBQ and pizza.
All in all we had a great mothers day.
 I will post before and after photos(side by side) at the end of our 10 weeks.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

WAY LATE on posting

But hey, better late then never!!!!

So LAST Monday....we weighed in and....somehow we all lost EXACTLY the same!!! We all LOST 1.8 lbs!! Crazy huh!!? And this time we ALL placed in the competition and won some money!! WOO!!

This week we don't think we will be as lucky. Cara and Becky went out of town for a few days and although they ate well, they aren't seeing it on the scale.

Kiki did her best but cheated lots so isn't sure what the scale will say tomorrow.

And we all went out for Mexican food tonight for Mothers Day and we didn't chose wisely! oops!

So we weigh in tomorrow morning......lets hope we go down on the scale and not up!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Half way tommorrow!!

Becky here..I have done really good this week, I hope the scale shows my efforts!! tommorrow we will take pics of our halfway bodies, I am actually excited to see if we can see a difference. Weightloss is extremely hard when there are so many obstacles standing in our way but I love feeling better about myself and knowing that I am doing it for myself and to be a better mom and wife helps me get through my days. I love the feeling I get knowing that this is something that I can physically control, I am the one making the decisions and putting the food into my mouth so the only person I can blame is myself. Everyday is a struggle but it's soo worth it when my pants are baggy and my shirts are looser, I love the change in myself and I can be an example to my daughters too. My goal weight is very modest, it's not the skinniest I have ever been but after having 4 kids my goal will be easy to maintain and thats what I need right now. I want to enjoy food still and go eat pizza with the family. I only have about 15 lbs until I hit my goal and it is going to feel so awesome to see that number on the scale.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Totals - 30 days later -

We had someone ask what are total weight loss was so far:

We have been on our "weight loss challenge" for 30 days now!

ME (Kiki) has lost about 12 lbs so far! I started out at 186 and I am now 174~ The black shorts that I wore in the first original picture, now fall off!! I can hardly keep them on me! I love it!

**I'll get the other girls to post their totals as well**

We Did It!

Well our 15 year family tradition of camping for Easter did not harm our weight loss.
The verdict is in...... It is possable to loose weight while camping. We ALL proved it.
I (Cara) lost 1 lb, Kiki lost 1 lb and Becky the winner this week lost 1.4 Whoo Hoo.
It was quite challanging. Not only being around normal camping food - chips, chili dogs, soda, smores, but this was also Easter - chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. We did however bring safe food such as hummas and vegies, fruit and lots of water.
Non the less we had a blast, got a little sun and the Easter Bunny came!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Anyone that knows me (Becky), knows that I hated yogurt! Until now...I have gotten hooked on the frys brand carbmaster yogurt, it is soo yummy and only 2 pts on weight watchers. I have a new addiction but its at least a healthy one

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weigh in day!!

We did pretty good this week!!

Kiki - lost almost 2 lbs
Becky - lost almost 3 lbs
Cara - gained one

Not bad huh??

*Off topic* As you know, Cara is the mother of Kiki and Becky. We have a family tradition of going camping for Easter - we've been doing this over 15 years now- so this means we'll be camping this weekend....can you go camping without eating smores or Doritos?? No- we can't. :) So we all plan on being super 'good' this week and let ourselves 'have fun' this coming weekend. Hey - we deserve it! We've been working hard! Lets just hope it doesn't mess with our 'weigh in' the following Monday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New mind set..

becky here:

On Monday it was no surprise that I had gained so much because I trailed off the diet that I previously had done the week before. But I got a grip this week and I am back to doing good again.

About 2 years ago I joined weight watchers and did really good and really enjoyed it. I always try something new and then realize I like weight watchers the best. So once again I am back to counting points and it works great. I am already down from my weigh in on monday and feel happy that I can eat dinner with my family and not feel deprived. I like going out and I feel so good when I can make a good choice and know that I "can" do it. It has worked before and I know it will work again. Heres to a better week and more better weeks to come in the future!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rough Weigh-In

Well, we didn't do as good as we wanted and hoped. Here are the stats:

Kiki - stayed exactly the same- No gain, no loss.
Becky - gained a little over 3lbs
Cara - lost one pound

We all had some 'obstacles' this week that led us to cheat a bit more then we should have. We weren't very happy with our results this week so I think all of us are prepared to be very strict with our food and exercise and 'get into action'!

*Here's to another week!!!*

Sunday, April 10, 2011


(Kiki here)

....is weigh in time!! I am NOT looking forward to it. Hubby and I cheated AGAIN Friday night. We had 'pot stickers'!! MMMmmm but- I again felt sick to my stomach afterwords. BUT- This morning we did meet a friend for breakfast at IHop...and let me tell you- it was super duper hard not to have those tasty pancakes. I actually ordered "Fit and Slim double eggs" - yes - the menu said it had 400 calories - it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of turkey bacon, and some fruit. It didn't fill me up what-so-ever but I was proud that I was able to go out to breakfast, enjoy myself and finally not give into temptation.

Check back tomorrow to see the amount of weight we lost (or gained) over the past week!

Friday, April 8, 2011

not a good week at all!!!

Becky here..I have done everything wrong this week!! I can't seem to get out of this funk I am in this week. I have pretty much eaten everything in sight and tonight I have to go to a pizza place for dinner and then out with friends tommorrow. I know according to my scale I have gained 2 lbs since Monday..aahhhhhhh But I am trying to get throught this weekend and know that I can say "NO" to the food and still have a good time. I will do better next week for sure

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This is Kiki:

I cheated. I had a fruit roll up. And it was the best fruit roll up EVER!!!!! If it makes "me" feel any better, I got a stomach ache from it and now my 'sweet' craving has passed. oooh...this is getting hard!!!

3 days 'till the next weigh in.......And I have a feeling it won't be good...for me anyhow.

Diet Pep Talk

This is Cara ,
So as we all talked on the phone last night, I felt we needed to get togeather for a pep talk of encouragement and to just hang out. We are all dealing with different things from "Being a new mom, having extra company and I WANT CHOCOLATE!
We all met at my house for a wonderful tuna salad lunch, talking, complaining and encouraging each other.
We may not have solved every thing but one thing is true Family is Forever and Chocolate is not all bad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today has been 'hard'

This is Kiki-

Now that the adrenaline of the first week has past, now I feel a bit more relaxed about the whole diet - which is NOT good - 'cause now I want to "cheat eat". I did eat some mac and cheese yesterday which in return made me sick (I guess thats good huh?) Anyways, I think because I cheated yesterday, I now want to cheat all the time!! BUT I Haven't!! I am down another pound since yesterday even so I guess its a little motivating to not want to "cheat eat".

Here's what was on the Menu for today so you can get an idea of what I eat on a daily basis in order to lose the weight:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled egg omelet with onions and LEAN lunch meat (the 90 calorie pack)
Snack: CarbMasters yogurt with fresh blueberries and blackberries
Lunch: can of Tuna fish with one tbls of LIGHT mayo served on lettuce
Snack: small apple (before 2pm only)
Dinner: small pork chop and fresh steamed cauliflower
Dessert: CarbMasters yogurt - NO FRUIT

There ya have it!! That 'type' of menu helped me lose 9.5 lbs in 8 days!! Its super easy huh!! NOTICE-- No 'bad' carbs OR processed foods --- all natural foods.

Date night has changed to Mondays.

Who Hoo a 5 pound loss. We all did GREAT! Now that we weigh in on Monday morning, I have changed my usual date night (Fri. or Sat.) to Monday. That gives me a whole week to work off thaose extra calories. Last night my husband and I went to Red White and Brew for dinner where I had my favorite Chicken Artichoke Pizza. MMMMMMMM

Monday, April 4, 2011

The verdict is in...

We had our official weigh in today and each one of us lost a huge anount for one week. The week was exciting trying new things with our diets and trying to overcome the obstacles that pop up every day was extremely hard and took a lot of will power.

Kiki lost 8.8lbs!!!! woo hoo she did amazing, she placed 2nd out of 25 women.. and got 55dollars!!

Becky lost 6.4lbs!!!yay, I really had to overcome alot of temptations but I succeeded, I placed 7th and got 10dollars

Cara lost 5lbs even!! that is awesome since she is the smallest out of us three, she barely missed the cutoff in the biggest loser group.

Overall this was a great start to our weightloss journey!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


................is tomorrow morning!!!!!! One week down...lets see how well we did!! Check back tomorrow for an update!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I have a secret.....

This is Kiki--

Okay..so I weighed myself this morning...although I weighed on a friends digital scale (so its not the 'official scale' we have to use)..it says I've lost.... 7 lbs already!!!! OMG!! I can say that the pants that I normally don't need a belt for requires a belt now! I've been pulling them up all day!
So of course this isn't set in stone since Its not the original scale I weighed on .... so I'm saying "I've lost 7lbs give or take a pound" -- Pretty awesome huh?

My toes are healing up (from falling while holding my baby last week) So I've started walking about 3 miles a day for the last 3 days.

PS-- Have I mentioned how EASY this diet it?? I am still feeling Great!! I don't even take naps during the day anymore...and I have a 3 month old breast feeding baby-- so I'm up a few times a night. Yes-- I have more energy then ever before and I all I have been doing is cutting out all carbs...not counting carbs in fruits.

The next official weigh in is in three days!!! Aaahhhhh!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Making progress!!

This is Kiki~
I am also now on day 3 of this 'diet' and am down 4lbs!!!!!! I feel fantastic! I have cut out almost all carbs (I consume less then 20 a day) and actually dont even crave them anymore. I do feel a little weak but I'm not overly tired or hungry. I'm keeping my calories around the 800-1000 range for breastfeeding purposes). I hurt my toes the other day so I haven't been exercising, although I go on walks at night around the neighborhood. I'm hoping by next week, I'll be able to start jogging.

I am loving this diet! It's so much fun to try to think of things to cook that are healthy (I'm usually the lazy cooker that cooks the nasty box of 'instant' noodles and adds a can of veggies on the side and some butter bread). Last night for dinner we had our version of tacos. We took lettuce and smeared fat free cream cheese on the bottom, added ground turkey, tomato and a pinch of feta cheese. It was delicious and was only 3 carbs total! We then had a fat free yogurt for dessert. It was carrot cake flavored and only had 4 carbs! We went to bed with full tummys!

I'm already feeling so much better! 5 days 'till the official FIRST weigh in!

day 3

This is Becky here.. I am on day 3 of this eating plan and so far I am doing great. I do feel pretty hungry through out the day but I try to just suck it up and know what the outcome will be. As of this morning I have lost 3 lbs!! thats amazing.. I am looking forward to the real way in on Monday to see what everyone else has done

I don't think we explained that we are also in a "biggest loser" type group and for 10 weeks we will be weighing in with 25 total women every monday. We are all allowed to do whatever diet we like but no pills or extras just pure will power and exercise. Each week there will be 8 winners with the top prize being 65 dollars, thats a huge incentive, its going to be pretty tough going against 25 ladies but I am determined to place at least once. My ultimate goal is to lose weight so I don't want to get caught up in the "game" part of it. But seriously it would be nice to win..lol

Monday, March 28, 2011

Here we go! DAY ONE-

The 10 week challenge has begun! *insert evil laugh*
The three of us weighed in this morning and took pictures. From now on, we will take updated pictures every 2 weeks.

Kiki and Becky will be doing the "17 day diet" - a three phase diet consisting of 17 days in each phase. First phase is a low/zero carb approach with unlimited vegies and protien but limited fruits. *(will update about phase 2 when we get there)*

Cara will be doing HCG diet BUT with out the HCG shots...just the 'eating part' of the diet

Here are our stats and pictures for each one of us:


WEIGHT: 184.6

WEIGHT: 158.6

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We officially start our diets tomorrow!!! Aaah! We are SOOOOO ready for it!

Tomorrow morning - we will "weigh in" and then take "before" pictures and yes....we will reveal ALL! So check back for that!

Also, tomorrow we will explain our weight-loss plans. The three of us will all be doing something different to fit our lifestyles. Kiki is breastfeeding so she will be on diet/exercise program that won't hinder her milk supply. Becky will be on a type of diet that she can still enjoy dinner with her family of 5 and Cara will be on a diet that will work for her who just has a husband at home. None of us belong to gyms so "working out" will be done around the home.

Invite your friends to follow us along. We need all the support we can get!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

T-minus ONE WEEK 'till we start!!


SO this is the last week of 'eating whatever we want' before we start our diet on Monday! Although we aren't stuffing our faces, we're happily eating whatever we want for we know, the next 10 weeks will be tough!

We are all so ready to lose this weight!! Come cheer us on.....we'll need all the support we can get!