Our Story

We are a mother-daughter-daughter team wanting to shed those 'mommy pounds'. Follow the three of us as we start our journey, a 10 week mission, to get our 'pre-baby' bodies back!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I have a secret.....

This is Kiki--

Okay..so I weighed myself this morning...although I weighed on a friends digital scale (so its not the 'official scale' we have to use)..it says I've lost.... 7 lbs already!!!! OMG!! I can say that the pants that I normally don't need a belt for requires a belt now! I've been pulling them up all day!
So of course this isn't set in stone since Its not the original scale I weighed on .... so I'm saying "I've lost 7lbs give or take a pound" -- Pretty awesome huh?

My toes are healing up (from falling while holding my baby last week) So I've started walking about 3 miles a day for the last 3 days.

PS-- Have I mentioned how EASY this diet it?? I am still feeling Great!! I don't even take naps during the day anymore...and I have a 3 month old breast feeding baby-- so I'm up a few times a night. Yes-- I have more energy then ever before and I all I have been doing is cutting out all carbs...not counting carbs in fruits.

The next official weigh in is in three days!!! Aaahhhhh!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Making progress!!

This is Kiki~
I am also now on day 3 of this 'diet' and am down 4lbs!!!!!! I feel fantastic! I have cut out almost all carbs (I consume less then 20 a day) and actually dont even crave them anymore. I do feel a little weak but I'm not overly tired or hungry. I'm keeping my calories around the 800-1000 range for breastfeeding purposes). I hurt my toes the other day so I haven't been exercising, although I go on walks at night around the neighborhood. I'm hoping by next week, I'll be able to start jogging.

I am loving this diet! It's so much fun to try to think of things to cook that are healthy (I'm usually the lazy cooker that cooks the nasty box of 'instant' noodles and adds a can of veggies on the side and some butter bread). Last night for dinner we had our version of tacos. We took lettuce and smeared fat free cream cheese on the bottom, added ground turkey, tomato and a pinch of feta cheese. It was delicious and was only 3 carbs total! We then had a fat free yogurt for dessert. It was carrot cake flavored and only had 4 carbs! We went to bed with full tummys!

I'm already feeling so much better! 5 days 'till the official FIRST weigh in!

day 3

This is Becky here.. I am on day 3 of this eating plan and so far I am doing great. I do feel pretty hungry through out the day but I try to just suck it up and know what the outcome will be. As of this morning I have lost 3 lbs!! thats amazing.. I am looking forward to the real way in on Monday to see what everyone else has done

I don't think we explained that we are also in a "biggest loser" type group and for 10 weeks we will be weighing in with 25 total women every monday. We are all allowed to do whatever diet we like but no pills or extras just pure will power and exercise. Each week there will be 8 winners with the top prize being 65 dollars, thats a huge incentive, its going to be pretty tough going against 25 ladies but I am determined to place at least once. My ultimate goal is to lose weight so I don't want to get caught up in the "game" part of it. But seriously it would be nice to win..lol

Monday, March 28, 2011

Here we go! DAY ONE-

The 10 week challenge has begun! *insert evil laugh*
The three of us weighed in this morning and took pictures. From now on, we will take updated pictures every 2 weeks.

Kiki and Becky will be doing the "17 day diet" - a three phase diet consisting of 17 days in each phase. First phase is a low/zero carb approach with unlimited vegies and protien but limited fruits. *(will update about phase 2 when we get there)*

Cara will be doing HCG diet BUT with out the HCG shots...just the 'eating part' of the diet

Here are our stats and pictures for each one of us:


WEIGHT: 184.6

WEIGHT: 158.6

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We officially start our diets tomorrow!!! Aaah! We are SOOOOO ready for it!

Tomorrow morning - we will "weigh in" and then take "before" pictures and yes....we will reveal ALL! So check back for that!

Also, tomorrow we will explain our weight-loss plans. The three of us will all be doing something different to fit our lifestyles. Kiki is breastfeeding so she will be on diet/exercise program that won't hinder her milk supply. Becky will be on a type of diet that she can still enjoy dinner with her family of 5 and Cara will be on a diet that will work for her who just has a husband at home. None of us belong to gyms so "working out" will be done around the home.

Invite your friends to follow us along. We need all the support we can get!