Our Story

We are a mother-daughter-daughter team wanting to shed those 'mommy pounds'. Follow the three of us as we start our journey, a 10 week mission, to get our 'pre-baby' bodies back!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New mind set..

becky here:

On Monday it was no surprise that I had gained so much because I trailed off the diet that I previously had done the week before. But I got a grip this week and I am back to doing good again.

About 2 years ago I joined weight watchers and did really good and really enjoyed it. I always try something new and then realize I like weight watchers the best. So once again I am back to counting points and it works great. I am already down from my weigh in on monday and feel happy that I can eat dinner with my family and not feel deprived. I like going out and I feel so good when I can make a good choice and know that I "can" do it. It has worked before and I know it will work again. Heres to a better week and more better weeks to come in the future!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rough Weigh-In

Well, we didn't do as good as we wanted and hoped. Here are the stats:

Kiki - stayed exactly the same- No gain, no loss.
Becky - gained a little over 3lbs
Cara - lost one pound

We all had some 'obstacles' this week that led us to cheat a bit more then we should have. We weren't very happy with our results this week so I think all of us are prepared to be very strict with our food and exercise and 'get into action'!

*Here's to another week!!!*

Sunday, April 10, 2011


(Kiki here)

....is weigh in time!! I am NOT looking forward to it. Hubby and I cheated AGAIN Friday night. We had 'pot stickers'!! MMMmmm but- I again felt sick to my stomach afterwords. BUT- This morning we did meet a friend for breakfast at IHop...and let me tell you- it was super duper hard not to have those tasty pancakes. I actually ordered "Fit and Slim double eggs" - yes - the menu said it had 400 calories - it was 2 eggs, 2 strips of turkey bacon, and some fruit. It didn't fill me up what-so-ever but I was proud that I was able to go out to breakfast, enjoy myself and finally not give into temptation.

Check back tomorrow to see the amount of weight we lost (or gained) over the past week!